Let me explain the difference between Docker RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT

Here’s my attempt in explaining the difference between the three! RUN RUN executes during the container build ie. RUN apt-get install mysql-server CMD CMD is when you want to execute something AFTER container has been built. ie. CMD [“app.py”, “start”]. Make this clear for yourself, any command, server, or service that must run AFTER the… Continue reading Let me explain the difference between Docker RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT

5 ways to use serverless lambda function.

Serverless can be cool so here’s some ways I’ve used lambda function for in past.. you don’t always need to use it plus there’s an overhead involved but here we go.. First one if processing large files..Imagine a big media file sitting in S3 bucket in need of processing (Decoding/encoding/cutting/removing portions/trimming etc.., anything!) You’d be… Continue reading 5 ways to use serverless lambda function.

How to avoid data anomaly when more than one system is involved

One of the most deadly errors a developer can make is to think that two different systems have same priority or they both are sources of truth with their own thinking/logic. This is one of the biggest reasons of data anomaly IMO, especially in data heavy systems. For example, when you’re manipulating data in one… Continue reading How to avoid data anomaly when more than one system is involved

Real Password Bruteforce example | Easier than you think

Most people don’t realize but it’s very easy to Bruteforce login pages and find the correct password. Dictionaries are freely available online, VPS are cheap. Anyone with some coding knowledge can write a program and attack your websites endpoints. What can you do about it? If you’re not using Recaptcha or invalid login rate limiting… Continue reading Real Password Bruteforce example | Easier than you think

“Project Insights” are a blessing for new Devs..

But Jira isn’t where you should keep it all.. Once tickets are closed, moved, changed, edited, reassigned, tied to different story it becomes impossible for someone new to extract insights off them. From what I’ve seen most projects don’t really have a central place to keep insights, if they do, they get outdated very, very… Continue reading “Project Insights” are a blessing for new Devs..

Git rebase – How to clean merge history log and squash commits

Cleaning up merge mess I have people working on different branches. Each person has made several commits. They’ve then merged their work into master branch. Leaving the master branch with several merge messages along with commits and a confusing graph. When you look at the commit history after merging, it looks like below. Change 1,… Continue reading Git rebase – How to clean merge history log and squash commits

Quick AWS S3 Bucket Intro

S3 bucket is a simply a content/media/files storage. Instead of calling them disks which sounds boring AWS calls them buckets! You can upload data manually, via AWS SDK or CLI. You can also access the data from your application via AWS SDK. An important thing to note is that not all SDKs are same. I’ve… Continue reading Quick AWS S3 Bucket Intro

AWS EC2 Server Simplified!

If you haven’t used EC2 server before this post may be helpful. Let me give you a very quick overview! AWS EC2 is nothing special, it’s a simple server okay? nothing crazy about it but it can get interesting.. If you’ve ever got a site up and running you’ve already been involved with servers. Now… Continue reading AWS EC2 Server Simplified!

Distractions aren’t bad if you can control when you’re distracted!

You think you’re doing great after a distraction but you’re not. I thought I was! I couldn’t spot the difference in my thoughts before or after the distraction so I started taking notes right before I knew I was about to distract myself or there was a meeting coming up. When I came back to… Continue reading Distractions aren’t bad if you can control when you’re distracted!

Stripe Connect Platform – Taking payments & issuing Refunds

What we’ll cover: Overview Enabling Stripe-Connect account The On-boarding Process Generating On-boarding Link On-boarding verification Taking Payments Verifying Payments Creating a Refund Listening to Refund events Download a free copy Overview In this post I’m going to go over utilizing Stripe’s-Connect. By the end of this post you’ll have a basic understand of how things… Continue reading Stripe Connect Platform – Taking payments & issuing Refunds

Sharing some personal wisdom..

Websites vs Products The difference between a proper application/software/product and a website has been blurred over the years. Most websites have no product to offer, they’re simple websites that run on CRUD operations behind the scene. For example a personal blog with contact us page and some articles. Then there’s actual products, these are complex… Continue reading Sharing some personal wisdom..

AWS Lambda Function – Watermarking a PDF via S3 Trigger in Python

I’m also on Twitter 🙂 In the previous chapter I talked about the process of watermarking a PDF by sending it to Lambda function in a POST request. In this lesson we’ll automatically Trigger Lambda function when a PDF is uploaded to a S3 bucket and watermark it, then we’ll upload it to a different… Continue reading AWS Lambda Function – Watermarking a PDF via S3 Trigger in Python